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Politics of Care in Indonesia - (Transformative) Social Protection
Donnerstag, 24. November 2016, 04:00pm - 06:00pm



Logo Mauerparkinstitut e.V.; Bildquelle Mauerpark Institut e.V. / Samia Dinkelaker




Das Mauerparkinstitut e.V. und die AG Engaged Anthropology laden alle Interessierten zu der Diskussionsveranstaltung »Politics of Care in Indonesia - (Transformative) Social Protection«, am 24. November, ein.



Institut für Sozial-­ und Kulturanthropologie; Bildquelle: FU Berlin / Foto: Stefan Wolf Lucks

In 2014, Indonesia launched a universal national health care system, substituting previously fragmented and highly diverse province-based systems. The new health care program promises access to all Indonesian citizens, including the large proportion of those without formal employment. Two years after its implementation, the program is still debated controversially as activists and scholars, but also practitioners and bureaucrats argue that it has failed yet to meet its goals in terms of accessibility and provision.

Activlst-scholar Muhammad Ridha from the Institute for Crises Analyses and Alternative Development Strategies (INKRISPENA), Jakarta, will discuss the current developments in Indonesian politics of care from a social movements-perspective: How does the formalization of the health care system affect people's everyday lives? What are the obstacles in realizing the social right to health in Indonesia? How do social movements conceive of the notion of 'social protection'? And what are their practices in addressing soeja111lY ancl econom:lcaHy proclucecl precarity?



With Muhammad Ridha (Institute for Crises Analyses and Alternative Development Strategies, Jakarta) and a commentary by Mechthild von Vacano (Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, FU Berlin)

Organized by Samia Dinkelaker and Prof. Or. Thomas Stodulka (on behalf of Mauerparkinstitut e.V. and AG Engaged Anthropology)



Ort: Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Sozial-­ und Kulturanthropologie, , Raum 014 (Seminarraum), Landoltweg 9?11,14195 Berlin

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