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»Indoversity« in Berlin
Samstag, 25. November 2017, 03:00pm - 10:00pm

Plakat; Bildquelle: PPI Berlin


Indoversity (Indonesia in Diversity) is an interactive event which collaborates the diversity of knowledge, Indonesian culture, and Indonesian creative product exhibition with traditional performances, band performances, fashion show, food stalls and mini flea market.


 Plakate; Bildquelle PPI Berlin



On the spot ticket:

5€ all in

3€ Food Fest only

Mehr Infos auch unter INDOVERSITY


Eine Veranstaltung von PPI Berlin


Ort: Pfefferberg Haus 13, Schönhauser Allee 176, 10119 Berlin

Event Description:


Food Fest: (03:00 PM - SOLD OUT)

Indonesia's diversity will be showcased through the wide selection of dishes available in the Food Fest, such as Sate Maranggi, Mie Aceh, Seblak, Cilok, Bajigur, and many more!


Mini-Flohmarkt (flea market):

Find old, vintage or used perloved clothes and other things for less in our mini flea market!


On stage performances (04:00 PM - 10:00 PM):

- Karinding Attack (bamboo heavy metal band)

- Audijens Yen (a German rapper who sings in Indonesian)

- Fashion Show

- Traditional Indonesian dances: from different regions such as Jawa Barat, Aceh, and Bali

- Pencak Silat Sigepi: traditional Indonesian martial art

- Five Indo-Berlin bands with different genres

- Angklung Berlin: traditional bamboo music instruments played together as an orchestra

- Cezz Tribe: duo guitarists

- Janne Timmer: solo piano performance

- Neeraja Narayanasamy: solo guitar performance

- DJ performance by DJ Magus  



Indonesien Magazin Online