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Institutskolloquium: »Aspiring Self-Determined Lives: Future-Making on a Bornean Resource Frontier«
Dienstag, 18. Juni 2019, 05:00pm - 07:00pm


Ausschnitt aus Veranstaltungspüoster; Quelle: Institut für Ethnologie


Das Institut für Ethnologie in Heidelberg lädt alle Interessierten zum Institutskolloquium am 18. Juni 2019 ein. Eingeladen als Gastreferentin ist Dr. Michaela Haug von der Universität Köln. Das Vortragsthema: »Aspiring Self-Determined Lives: Future-Making on a Bornean Resource Frontier«.




»Rural transformations have been approached predominantly from the past. In my talk I explore rural transformations as expressions of future making, drawing on the emerging field of future studies within social and cultural anthropology, where the future is not understood as simply emerging from the past, but as being actively shaped in a complex interplay of numerous actor s and interests in the present. Taking a Dayak community in East Kalimantan as example, my talk explores what it means for rural peopl e in the Southeast Asian uplands when they wish to achieve “better” lives for themselves and their children. I argue that paying more attention to the aspirations of local people and how they translate their images of the future into action will enrich our understanding of rural transformations.«


Veranstaltungsposter; Quelle: Institut für Ethnologie



Veranstaltungsort: Institut für Ethnologie, Gebäude 4110, Room 110.02.05, Voßstraße 2, 69120 Heidelberg



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