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ASEAN STAGE auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2019
Samstag, 19. Oktober 2019, 11:00am - 03:00pm

 Gastland-Pavillion, Indonesien, Buchmesse 2015; Bildquelle: Jörg Huhmann



Die Frankfurter Buchmesse gilt als Zentrum der internationalen Medienwelt und als kulturelles Großereignis. An keinem Ort der Welt zeigt sich die Publishing- und Medienbranche vielfältiger, innovativer und internationaler.


Die ASEAN Stage als ein Format der Messe bietet Veranstaltungen rund um die Buchmärkte Südostasiens und bringt Autor*innen dieser Länder ins Rampenlicht, in diesem Jahr auch mit einigen indonesischen Protagonisten. Es geht unter anderem um die Vorstellung der einzelnen Märkte sowie um die Entwicklung des Verlagswesens und neuen Trends in den ASEAN-Staaten.


Die ASEAN Stage ist in Halle 4.0 C36. Alle Veranstaltungen in englischer Sprache. Hier einige Termine der letzten beiden Tage – 19. und 20. Oktober – mit indonesischer Beteiligung.


Hinweis: Die indonesische Autorin Feby Indirani ist in diesem Jahr sehr präsent auf der Buchmesse. Unter dem Beitrag »Religiöse Entspannung durch magische Geschichten« ist eine kleine Lese-Kostprobe Ihres Schaffens aus ihrem Kurzgeschichten-Band »Bukan Perawan Maria« im Indonesien Magazin Online zu lesen. Die Geschichte: »Baby will Muslima, in deutscher Übersetzung von Gudrun Ingratubun.



Sa. 19.10. 2019  

Ort: Frankfurter Buchmesse, ASEAN Stage, Hall 4.0 C 36


11- 12 Uhr

Women Writers in Southeast Asia





What are women writing and in what laguages? Where is their work being published? Is their remuneration the same as that of their male colleagues? What does it mea nto be a female writer in the countries of Southeast Asia? Waht are the challenge?



  • Indonesia: Ms. Feby Indirani (Writer)
  • Malaysia: Ms. Chuah Guat Eng (Writer)
  • Philippines: Ms. Faye Cura (Gantala Press)
  • Hongkong: Ms. Hon Lao Chu (Writer)

 Moderation: Ms. Clauda Kaiser


Feby Indirani, Berlin 2019; Bildquelle: Jörg Huhmann  


12 - 13 Uhr

Cosplay, Comics and Publlishing




Cosplayers can be found everywhere in Southeast Asia. Just try to enter the venues where Comicons are being held: It´s hard to get in! Is it in Manga Tradition that is being followed? Wly are comics so papular? We want to hear more aboot thts market and ist potential.


  • Indonesia: Mr. Fachreza: Octavia (Re:ON Comics)
  • Phililppines: Mr. Segundo Matias (Chlef Executive Officer, Lampara Books and Precious Pages)

 Moderator: Prof. Gerardo Los Banos



13 -14 Uhr

From One Archipelago to Another




The island qucstion is a big one for both of these countries. How does this festure influence the work of wrlters Tn the Philippines and Indonesia? What are the challenges and the opportunities in thesc to countries for writers? Are there opportunities for exchange? How? 


  • lndonesia: Mr. Anton Kurnia. (Writer,Translator, Publlsher)
  • Indonesia: Mr. Rio Johan (Writer)
  • Philippines: Ms. Karina A. Bolasco

Moderator: Mr. John McGlynn (Publisher, Writer and Translator, Lontar Foundation)


 14 - 15 Uhr

0ne history? Writing about hlstory in Southeast Asia




The ten countries that are members of ASEAN, the Association of Southe EastAsian Nations, are taking more active steps to becomc a true union. In terms of history these countries have had a different past but shared a lot as well. Which role does history play in the works of these wrlters and how do they tackle it? 


  • Indonesia: Ms. Soe Tjen Marching (Writer, Academic, Composer)
  • Philippines: Prof. Gerardo Los Banos
  • Malaysia: Ms. Cguat Guat Eng (Writer)   
  • Vletnam: Mr. Ho Anh Thai (Writer, Diplomat)

Moderator: Mr. Ronny Agustinus (Writer, Publisher)




So. 20.10. 2019

Ort: Frankfurter Buchmesse, ASEAN Stage, Hall 4.0 C 36



11 -12 Uhr 

What Young(er) People are Saying Today





With the majoilty of people in Southeast Asia are being under the age of cr 30(?), educators and publishers need to know what subjects young people find fascinating. So what are young authors writing about today? And what are the challenges they face? Answers to these questions will help to determine the future shape and form of content.


  • Indonesia: Mr. Rio Johan (Writer)
  • Philippines: Mr. Segundo Matias (Chlef Executive Officer, Lampara Books and Precious Pages)

Moderator: Ms. Soe Tjen Marching (Writer, Composer, Academic)


12 – 13 Uhr

Pop Culture in Soulheast Asia: Coffee, Food and Fashion





Withoput a doubt, ist is pop culture that defines and distinguishes societies today. Is whatsßs popular in Europe and North America, also popular in Southeast Asia?Lets talk at some of the elements oft he vibrant pop cultures in the region and see if there are differences.


  • Indonesia: Ms. Diana Rikasari (Fashlon designer, Writer)

Moderation: Ms. Astrid Enricka Dhita (Chef, Restauranteur)


14 - 15 Uhr

Love in the (Southeast Asian) City





Romance has been the staple of fiction ever since fiction writing was born and today it is mostly fiction that iss et in urban areas tthat sells well in almost all parts oft he world. Is this also true in Southeast Asia? What are the elemst of fiction that entice readers -especially women readers who purchase the largest percentage of books? 


  • Indonesia: Ms. Feby Indirani (Writer)
  • Phililppines: Mr. Segundo Matias (Chlef Executive Officer, Lampara Books and Precious Pages
  • Malaysia: Prof. Dr. Ramzah Dambur (Fiction Writer and oet, University Malaysia Sabah)

Moderation: Ms. Dewi Noviami (Writer,Translator)


 Feby Indirani, Berlin 2019; Bildquelle: Jörg Huhmann 



Mehr Informationen zur Buchmesse, Preisen und anderen Events unter buchmesse-frankfurt


Ort: Messegelände, ASEAN Stage, Hall 4.0 C 36, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main




Indonesien Magazin Online