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»Bark. Silk. Batik: On the Art of Batik with Nature.« | Presentation and Discussion with the German Textile Artist Joachim Blank
Donnerstag, 30. September 2021, 03:00pm

Joachim Blank l Batik on Cotton & Organza Silk (double layered) l Title: Twinkeling Red l 2018 l 100 x 100 cm; Quelle: zur Verfügung gestellt von Haus der Indonesischen Kulturen in Berlin (RBI) / ©Joachim Blank


Am 30. September 2021 lädt das Haus der Indonesischen Kulturen in Berlin (RBI) zu einem Online-Sarasehan mit dem mehrfach preisgekrönten Textilkünstler Joachim Blank ein. Er wird von seiner Begeisterung für die Technik des Batikens erzählen, die er bei berühmten Batik-Meistern auf Java erlernt hat und wie er seine Bildsprache damit fand, bei der Fundstücke aus der Natur eine große Rolle spielen. Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt, mit Eröffnungsworten von Prof. Dr. Ardi Marwan, Attaché für Bildung und Kultur der Indonesischen Botschaft in Berlin.


What has a piece of wood, picked up on a mudflat hike, in common with Indonesian batik? How can an abstract pattern on organza be created from the half-rotted bark of an old tree? And how do you bring the lines of reeds arranged next to each other onto a piece of fabric?


Berlin-based textile artist Joachim Blank provides answers to these questions. What Blank finds in nature, he turns into a tool for a technique with which he uses to artistically relate the structural properties of the objects he found to his fabrics - organza, cotton or silk, for example. The technique he uses is based on the centuries-old Javanese technique of batik, and this is where colour comes into play as a third element, which for Blank is a means of accentuation, delimitation and pictorial symmetry.


»The appearance of natural forms is brought into a new order through the creative-artistic process,« Joachim Blank says of his work. »The materials that I combine with each other, their structures and natural drawings combine in the picture, which, however, is not subject to a fixed design principle. This develops during the creative process and controls itself through seemingly random assignments to each other.«


On the occasion of the Indonesian National Day of Batik, which is celebrated on October 2, we invited Joachim Blank to be guest of the 123rd Sarasehan lecture. Using numerous picture examples he will tell how he himself became fascinated by the batik technique during his studies and how he was taught by renowned grand masters of Javanese batik art in Indonesia like Ardiyanto, Amri or Ismoyo. He will explain how he began working with unusual materials and how he came up with the idea of adding other techniques such as the use of layers and burnout. Blank will tell how he was invited to workshops in Indonesia, China and Malaysia as an artist and what his experiences were there. Finally, he will talk about how difficult it is to build a reputation as a recognized artist with modern art in the field of batik.

Background information by the event organizer



Impressionen aus dem Kreuzberger Studio von Textilkünstler Joachim Blank; Bildquelle: alle Fotos ©Jörg Huhmann



Joachim Blank was born in 1952. He has won several awards, studied arts and craftsat the University of Mainz.


He has been working as an artist since 1981. His work has been shown in numerous international group and solo exhibitions in Germany, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Poland, the USA, Denmark, Belgium and Russia.


As a guest teacher he gave lectures, master classes and workshops at universities in China, Indonesia and Austria.


Ort: Online via Zoom


Datum/Uhrzeit: Thursday, 30 September, 2021, | 3-4.30 pm CET // 8 pm (Jakarta-Time / WIB)




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