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Kolloquium: »Literary Representation of the Red Scare in Indonesia«
Donnerstag, 25. November 2021, 04:00pm


Uni PassaU; Quelle ©Universität Passau


Am 25. November 2021 lädt der Passauer Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Entwicklungs- und Kulturforschung (Schwerpunkt Südostasien) alle Interessierten zu einem Forschungskolloquium mit Silvia Mayasari-Hoffert (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main) ein. Thema der Veranstaltung: »Literary Representation of the Red Scare in Indonesia«.




»This session discusses the depiction of the Left in Indonesian literature since the anti-leftist purge in 1965. The literary development in Indonesia is unique because of the mass killings in 1965-66 and 32-year centralised dictatorship that followed, where literary censorship was at its peak. Even after the regime’s end in 1998, most Indonesians still have an innate fear of a potential rise in communism, and literary representation of the Left is still seen as problematic.


This session examines Indonesia’s institution of literature, the (mis-)use of the idea ofcosmopolitanism under the New Order regime (1966-1998), and the ways in which power intersects with literature. Eventually, it provides an insight into the legacy of the Cold War in Indonesia’s post-authoritarian period.«



Termin und Anmeldung:


Datum: 25.11.2021 um 16 Uhr (CET / UTC+1)


Online via ZOOM: Anmeldung unter dem folgenden Link: kolloquium-passau-25-11-21


Meeting-ID: 915 3570 1936

Kenncode: 2985799424



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