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Vortrag und Diskussion: »The 1965 genocide: The Case of Chinese Indonesians«
Samstag, 27. November 2021, 11:30am - 12:30pm


Poster (Ausschnitt); Quelle: Correspondents of the World



Am 27. November 2021 lädt Correspondents of the World, eine Online-Plattform und Community mit Sitz in Amsterdam und globaler Ausrichtung, zu einem englischsprachigen Vortrag und Gespräch mit Dr. Soe Tjen Marching von der renommierten Londoner SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London) ein. Thema der Veranstaltung: »The 1965 genocide: The Case of Chinese Indonesians«.


Während der Sitzung wird Dr. Soe-Tjen Marching die systemische Diskriminierung, Gewalt und Verfolgung von Chinesen und Indonesiern im Jahr 1965 in Indonesien beleuchten. Der Vortrag wird begleitet durch eine interaktive Diskussion mit Veronica Burgstaller und dem Publikum.



Poster; Quelle: Correspondents of the World




»During the '65 genocide in Indonesia, many Indonesians of ethnic Chinese were also targeted. They were usually treated more badly in prisons and remained being discriminated against, intimidated and many were blackmailed years after they were released. However, many ex-political prisoners of ethnic Chinese did better than their indigenous counterparts. How and why?  This is one of the main things I will discuss in my talk.


Nonetheless, the female victims of ethnic Chinese have different stories. Most of them were and are still very traumatised; and did not want to reveal their identities. Because of this, I decided to write a novel so that their stories can come out and gain attention.«



Soe Tjen Marching was born and grew up in Surabaya, Indonesia. She completed her Ph.D in Southeast Asian Studies at Monash University, Australia. After lecturing for several years at different universities in Australia, she moved to the UK and started teaching at SOAS in 2016. Her research interests are the study of languages, gender studies in Indonesia, Indonesian literature, and Indonesian history and politics especially in relation to the 1965 genocide. Besides being an academic, Soe Tjen is also a creative writer and an award winning composer. She has published several poems and short stories in English and Indonesian, and published three novels in Indonesian. One of her poems won third place at the competition held by Ballarat City Council in Australia. As a composer, she won a national competition for Indonesian Contemporary Composers held by the German Embassy. One of her compositions has been.


Through her grandfather, fellow discussant Veronica Burgstaller has also a family connection to the period of 1965. She found out that her grandfather had witnessed a historic genocide in Bali as a teenager. Based on an interview with him, she wrote a story about it.



Datum und Anmeldung:


Samstag, 27. November 2021 | 10:30 – 11:30 (London-Time), 11:30 -12:30 (Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris),  17:30pm-18:30pm (Jakarta / WIB)


Registration Link: COTW-TALK-27-11-21



Weitere Informationen zu zwei Veröffentlichungen von Soe Tjen Marching:


1.The End of Silence: Accounts of the 1965 Genocide in Indonesia, (2017).

2. Dari Dalam Kubur (From Inside the Grave), 2020.

Official Synopsis ( English and Indonesian Language): Since childhood, Karla felt unfairly treated by her mother who remained a mysterious person to her. But no one in her family stood by her side. Ultimately, Karla saw no choice but to stay away from her family.  Decades later, the secrets around her family, but also that of many other humans, begin to unravel one by one.






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